Dear Skincare, WTF MAN!?

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Listen, listen, listen…I love beauty products. I love the process of buying them putting them on, questioning if I truly need this? D.I.Y beauty products, that’s my ultimate jam. Gimme my butters, oils, a quick how-to, and boom. I’m a face doctor.

That’s until face care facts started really kicking up on social media. Estheticians, Dermatologist, and their mamas were ripping skincare regimes to shreds.

My dear sweet, coconut oil fell from fame first. Then my face scrubs, brushes, Castille soap, essential oils, and even my favorite DIY facials. I was hurt, even more so I was so confused?

What could I use dang-it?! I honestly felt like I was being asked to burn all my old products and switch over to these new ones. Which ok, these people are professionals so they have a point. Can I be honest y’all? I’m stubborn! Not just a Lil stubborn, like a good amount? I liked what I was using, but also did not want to jack up my face in the long term. What was a girl to do?

So, for the past few weeks, I took a deep dive into as many podcasts, books, and videos that I could find. The results left me divided. Everyone was saying different things. How the eff can you tell what’s bs and whats good stuff?

What’s good advice or bad?

Everyone has an opinion on everything you can imagine. The best type of apple. The ugliest trend in clothes. The better Jonas Brother. There’s no way you’re going to get a concise decision on everything.

But my general rules tend to follow are;

  1. Who- Who is this person? Do they really do what they are recommending or just talking to talk. Do they have something to sell? (not always bad)
  2. What- Is this something that looks questionable, like putting straight-up alcohol on your face? What’s in this product, is it safe?
  3. Why- Do they have reasonable results? Or a good reason they like this product.
  4. Other Opinions- Go research and see what others have to say. Search for dermatologists and estheticians’ opinions and everyday people.
  5. Lastly, is this something I’m interested in or is it just a fad. Only do something you feel is right, if you’re kinda skeptical it’s fine to not do it.

My *unprofessional Advice


Seriously though think about it. Everyone has different skincare needs, time, access to professionals, even diets. Just because everyone’s new wave is to ditch your absolute favorite product, don’t panic. If you’ve gotten good results you’re probably ok. That product could be working for you for a number of reasons. Genetics, skin type, routine, diet all that!

Coconut oil is high on the comedogenic scale, which rates how likely an oil is to clog your pores. The keyword is likely. Oily and Acne-prone skin is more likely to not be in love with coconut oil.

But for me, I have normal to oily skin that’s a touch on the sensitive side. I still use coconut oil as a makeup remover, but I don’t leave it on by itself. The only way it’s staying on my face is if it’s in one of my D.I.Y skincare lotions or balms. (yes I still DIY it up too!)

When listening to skincare advice online, you have to take it all with a grain of salt. Everyone is saying what has worked for them, or what they’ve learned in their professions.

There are a ton of professionals out there giving great advice. That doesn’t mean you need to do everything they say, or get mad when they thumbs down something you love. If something they say sounds interesting to do your research first. See what other professionals and consumers are saying.

Book an appointment with a dermatologist or Esthetician if you can. Nothing better than to get a pro to look at you and give you their suggestions. Make sure you talk to them about what you’d like to use. Pick their brains on new trends see what they think.

If you’re unable to because of insurance I’ll link to some skincare professionals and books that I like.

Always remember this about products, no matter what we use there can be side effects. Even to the most recommended products. It may not agree with your skin, you may be allergic, or you may have another product interacting with it that makes it go crazy.

Here are some people I think are super freaking smart!

LA Beautyologist Esthetician with killer recommendations on twitter and youtube! Check out people’s results right in her post.

Skincare Talk Radio- Has lovely podcast balanced beauty podcast, of green beauty and engineered beauty.


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