I’m here to get Natural!

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Since I was a little Hilary, I always had a peculiar love of nature. Helping my mom in garden was my favorite, but the bugs would send me into fits. Yet I’d sit out back and let ants march up and down my arm. Though I’d forget to water my favorite flowers, snapdragons & pansies. So they’d wither up and die. I love the ocean, but I admire it from afar. The fish…so beautiful but so creepy.

That nature loving came from my Grandma, Barbra Jean. She’s as bonafide country as her name would suggest. This woman built green houses, tamed huge dogs, had a small farm right from the dust bowl, and a personality to top Joan Rivers. She’s a power house!

But that glittery girly side. That’s all my Grandma Janet Claudette. Honestly, their names match them so much. Like Janet Claudette? Boujie in the best possible way. This lady was always dressing to the T, a ring on e-v-e-r-y finger and child she did NOT wear fake gold. It made her sweat. And break out in hives.

God thought it was best to make me into a mix of both of them. So here I am with glittery nails digging through the dirt. (recoiling when I see a worm still ;D)

Using these two hilariously contrasting sides of my makeup. I’m venturing into being more conscious of what I put in and on my body.

Still bearing in mind I want to look good too!

I’m a newbie to all of this. My gardening skills are ok, my knowledge of natural skin care is borrowed and my green habits are always being tamed.

All the same I’m determined to gather information from the professionals and learn how to live greener. Then from there, I’m letting my creativity turn it into something great.

My hope is to show people that living greener is achievable. You don’t have to be a green nerd, or a tree hugger. You can just be you and learn how to adapt your life and still look fab.

That being said, my journey is beginning and I’m so ready to share with you what I’ve learned. I’d love for you to join me, or pop to see what antics I’ve gotten up to. Trust me, there will be antics…Fabulous ones though!


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Boujie on the go